دوشنبه / ۱۳ آذر ۱۴۰۲ / ۲۰:۴۹
کد خبر: 18076
گزارشگر: 464

More than a decade of art and filmmaking with Asghar Abbasi

More than a decade of art and filmmaking with Asghar Abbasi
Asghar Abbasi was born on December 1, 1980 in Yazd province, graduated from the Iranian Youth Cinema Association and graduated with a master's degree in cinema directing from Nowshahr University of Art and Architecture.

asia news - Asghar Abbasi was born on December 1, 1980 in Yazd province, graduated from the Iranian Youth Cinema Association and graduated with a master's degree in cinema directing from Nowshahr University of Art and Architecture. The artistic career of this filmmaker and artist includes works such as the short films "When Everyone Stopped", "Honest Dream", "Midnight Dream", "Flag", "Setin", "52 Hz", "A Shift" and the documentary films "Seven Holy Sin", "Stairs of a pulpit", "Dream that is not white" and the TV series "Abel" and "Standard Life" and in the latest work of his artistic career there is a historical film and an adaptation called "Nasukh".

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Asghar Abbasi started his first short film in 2005, which was an experimental work called "Watercolor"... Then, due to his inclination towards other artistic fields such as music and photography, he also performed activities in these fields, which resulted in It can be mentioned that he produced two music albums in 2009 and 2010 called "Dream Life" and "Waiting", which he was responsible for playing, arranging and singing. Then, in this direction, he turned to photography in 2011, as a result of which his works were selected in two national photo festivals in 2012 and 2013.

In 2013, Asghar Abbasi produced and produced the half-length film "When Everyone Stands Up", which after production was released for a month in theaters in Yazd province and was well received along with ticket sales. The story of this film, which was selected by the "Parvaz" film festival for disabled children, focused on the life of a disabled child who faced challenges in the society.
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Asghar Abbasi behind the scenes of the feature film "When Everyone Stopped"

Asghar Abbasi then and at the same time as studying in the field of filmmaking in the Youth Cinema Association, started producing the fiction film "Sadegheh Dream", which won the first prize of the "Awakening Sequence" film festival as a director.

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It should be noted that Asghar Abbasi's approach to the short film was such that it was noticed by professors and critics at the very beginning, and with this approach, he started producing one of his most important works called "Midnight Dream". A historical film and adaptation of a book with the same title, the making of this film made the record of printing and publication of this book rise in Iran, and then it won the first prize and the golden lantern of the Ammar Film Festival in 2016.

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Asghar Abbasi behind the scenes of the short film "Midnight Dream"
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Asghar Abbasi receiving the golden lantern of "Ammar Film Festival"

Asghar Abbasi made the short film "Farzand Saleh" in 2017, which was honored at the 100-second film festival, and then he made the documentary film "Steps of a pulpit" and was successful in the Razavi Film Festival. to claim the title of the most popular film of the festival...

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Asghar Abbasi (director) with Afarin Obaisi (actor) short film "Son of Saleh" on the sidelines of Tehran 100 Second Film Festival

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A scene from the fictional documentary film "Stairs of a Pulpit" directed by Asghar Abbasi

In his career, Asghar Abbasi made a movie, but it was not completed due to the reasons that we will talk about later! In 2017 and 2018, he pushed the movie "Naeleh", which was a historical work, to the limit of production, and despite the huge cost of making sets, providing clothes, make-up, signing contracts with actors and other technical agents, and... after The production license was issued by the cinematographic organization, due to the repeated rewrites of the script and the frequent change of the budget estimate due to the rise in the price of the dollar, its production was stopped. In his previous interviews, Asghar Abbasi considered "Naeleh" to be one of the five important films of those days in the Fajr Film Festival, which if it reached the production stage, could be a turning point in historical works (cinematic or series).

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Asghar Abbasi, along with some of the big names of Iranian cinema, as the actors of the movie "Naeleh" in the pre-production stage of the film.

In 2019, Asghar Abbasi made a short story film with a social theme called "Setin", which succeeded in appearing in major domestic and foreign festivals and won the best film award from the "Canada Film Festival".
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Asghar Abbasi (director) behind the scenes of the short film "Setin" with the late Siamak Atlasi (actor)

Asghar Abbasi has a successful record in the field of film judging, which is a judge at the "Land of Light National Festival" in 2015, 2016 and 2017, as well as a judge at the "Canada International Film Festival" in 2021.

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Asghar Abbasi at the closing of the 14th "Land of Light National Festival" as a representative of the jury, along with Mohammad Reza Ahanj, another judge of this festival.

In his artistic career, Asghar Abbasi has also been the secretary of Noornegar Photo Festival, which is one of the best and most independent photo festivals in the Middle East.

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Asghar Abbasi (Executive Secretary) on the sidelines of the closing of the 6th Noornegar Photo Festival

In his latest work 2023, Asghar Abbasi adapted a historical book called "Nasukh". "Nasukh" which cost 20,000 dollars to produce, took about 9 months to write, produce and distribute it, and until this moment it has succeeded in participating in the "40th Tehran International Short Film Festival" and also a candidate for the best non-English language film in the "Festival". "Nigeria Lenin International".

Asghar Abbasi

Asghar Abbasi (director) with Mehrdad Afrasiabi (cinematography director) behind the scenes of the historical film "Nasukh".

اخبار مرتبط
اصغر عباسی متولد دهم آذر ۱۳۵۹ در استان یزد، فارغ‌ التحصیل انجمن سینمای جوانان ایران و فارغ‌ التحصیل کارشناسی ارشد کارگردانی سینما از دانشگاه هنر و‌ معماری نوشهر است
آسیانیوز ایران هیچگونه مسولیتی در قبال نظرات کاربران ندارد.
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