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کد خبر: 6218
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: Exclusive Kevin Trudeau article for Asianews

! There are "Patterns and Formulas" for Success

! There are "Patterns and Formulas" for Success
Kevin Trudeau's latest exclusive article on the pattern and formula for success was sent to Asianews.

It is a well-established fact that most people do not achieve financial success in life. Most people struggle with money and live paycheck to paycheck. There are several reasons why people fail in life. Simply compare 100 people who have “success” to 100 people that do not achieve success. Compare people of the same age and who grew up in the same neighborhoods, went to the same schools and were all similar in terms of what they started with. This gives you the “formula for success”. There is a “pattern for success”.
A very wealthy man told me very early in my life “do what I did, think like I think, and talk like I talk, and you will have what I have.”
There are three key elements therefore to success. First what you DO. The actions you take. Second how you THINK. And third, what you SAY.
Successful people are doing what the other guys are still talking about. Therefore, most importantly, get into the habit of taking action now. A great book written by billionaire Art Williams is entitled “Do it Now!” This is a habit for success. Bill Gates, multi billionaire and co founder of Microsoft said that the reason he succeeded is that is took “massive and immediate action” when he saw the potential in the software business.

Successful people are always doing what the other guys are too good to do. This comes from they way successful people think. There is a “millionaire mentality”. It start with having confidence in yourself and never being “too good” to do any task. A person can actually “THINK” and grow rich, thus the title of the famous book. Thinking of what you want, and feeling now AS IF you were already in the attainment of that desire, eliminated the feeling of “wanting” or “lack”. If you feel like you “want” or “need” something, you will not get it. If you feel you “lack” something, you will not attain it. But if you feel like you would feel if you already had it, and don’t care if you actually get it or not, then you will attain your desire.

Successful people have a habit of “talking into existence” what they desire by using the power of words. In the west it is common for a stage magician to use the word Abracadabra before be performs a magic trick. That word comes from an ancient language which means “I create with my words”. You do create with your words. You are literally ‘hung by the tongue”. What you say is what you will get. Watch the words that you speak. In a spiritual text it is said “out of an abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks”. This means that if your words are negative, filled with fear and doubt, then within you is negativity, fear and doubt. Doubt can sink a ship. Winners believe they will win. Champions KNOW they will win. You can tell by the words they use when they speak.
You were all born to win. You were engineered for success, designed for accomplishment and endowed with the seeds of greatness. I will see you all at the top.

Much love, your friend Kevin Trudeau

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