سه شنبه / ۲۱ شهریور ۱۴۰۲ / ۱۸:۵۸
کد خبر: 16426
گزارشگر: 2
بیوگرافی ساسان نامی (خواننده)

ساسان نامی Biography + news of Sasan Nami

ساسان نامی Biography + news of Sasan Nami
.Sasan Nami was born on December 25, 2002 in Mazandaran Province, Sari County. He is an Iranian singer

During the last few years, he worked in the Dislav style And after the activity, decorate yourself with rap style. continued and brought many attentions in these two styles And so far, he has released 13 professional songs along with music He has many followers on his Instagram page And famous faces follow his page

Career start and popularity

."When he started rapping and arranging Over the years, it has managed to gain a lot of attention And at the peak of his music, I said, "I'm sick of the music, and I started to fall in love

Artistic name

He has two names, his birth name is Saleh Hosseinnejad and his second name is Sasan. When he started his career in music, he chose the nickname Sasan, or Laghb, in addition to his own name. A name means a famous person And this is how Henry Sasan's name was named

International cooperation

.Sasan Nami is also an international music called Qalb Izazah with a rapper singer from Nigeria Dreams Baby which is published on music platforms And it has been verified on Spotify

Music and poetry names

The names of the pieces published by Sasan Nami, Khayal, Rafti. Blacklist, until next year, be empty, careless 2, frozen heart, broken state, my heart is breaking, I'm not anymore, I'm fine, I said you're heartbroken, you're gone 2 and he writes all the poems himself

ساسان نامی


.His love for music was great And as a child, he liked to be a singer and work in the field of music

Instagram page

Before music, he did not have an Instagram page And when he was making the music, it was the first of 13 professional musics He makes his own Instagram page and started to be active on that page and now he has many followers on Instagram and famous faces follow him.

اخبار مرتبط
Behzad Qasemi, the chief information security officer (ciso) and the founder of Overclock Cybersecurity Laboratory has presented an analysis regarding the occurrence of the Cybergeddon phenomenon in the not-too-distant future in the cyberspace, which we will discuss.
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